Getting started is simple!

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The hope is that every client begins to think about what they are thinking about and that they take ownership for their lives in a new way, on a new level.

The client may see breakthrough in areas that have kept them stagnant for many years, it’s about one small step at a time…

Clients have the opportunity by Breaking Lies, Building Truth®, to achieve their desired goals, empowering them to experience the fullness of life that they were always intended to.

Many challenges and problems we experience in life can be tied to the beliefs, or rather, the limiting beliefs we have about ourselves. These limiting beliefs when left to fester in our minds can grow into a stronghold, to the point that we begin to fully embrace & accept it as our "truth".

These problems usually create negative feelings in the client - whether that be towards others, to the world at large or perhaps most damaging of all, towards themselves.

These limiting beliefs are in effect limiting the client. They are stifling the truth of who the client fully is and ensuring that the vast amount of potential within them is never realised, accepted, or achieved.

If my client chooses to fully immerse themselves in the coaching process and determines to implement the strategies into their life to help them achieve their goal(s), I believe they will become the most empowered version of themselves.

I want to inspire people to realise that deep down they are powerful, they are valuable and they are needed. I want them to become aware that they do have what it takes, that they have purpose and if they are willing to go on the journey of exploring these truths, that they have the possibility of experiencing life to the full.

Thursday Thought Coaching® is a non-therapeutic pathway, intended for clients who wish to improve and develop personally or professionally.

The collaborative coaching relationship is client-led, strengths-based, forward-looking and empowering. The coaching experience supports the Client in establishing new behaviours. The coaching agenda is developed in partnership between the Client and the Coach. 

The actions agreed at the end of each Thursday Thought Coaching® session, will be strategies that the Client decides to implement into their own life. The Client’s results can vary depending on the chosen commitment of the Client to their actions. Therefore, part of my role as the Coach is to encourage, to support and with permission, to challenge.

Coaching Pricing & Services: (Sessions can be monthly/every 3 weeks/every 2 weeks)

> The Recommended = £75 (60mins, pay as you go)

> The Bargain = £375 (6 x1hour sessions for the price of 5, pre-paid block)

Within each session:

The answers are not within the Coach, they are within the Client! 

My role, in our sessions, through listening, effective questioning and a variety of exercises & coaching strategies, is to help pull out those answers from within the Client.

In each session, (based on the area the Client would like to explore), we will look at where the Client is presently, where they want to be in the future, investigate their current beliefs attached to that area of their life and collaboratively work towards creating appropriate strategies to help them to move forward.

Email for any queries regarding:

> Speaking Engagements

> Presenting Opportunities

> Workshops

> Creative Consultancy Work